welcome :3c

all the info you'll need for commissioning me
twitter: lunar_ren
tumblr: lunar-soren

click below to get started :]

terms of service

if you have concerns, we can discuss all of these terms prior to payment!


  • by commissioning me you agree to all the terms outlined on this page

  • I have the right to reject any order

  • these are private-use commissions, meaning they may not be used for commercial purposes, and I retain the rights to the drawing itself; your commission may be used as an example to future customers and posted on my social media

payment and refunds

  • all prices are currently listed in USD

  • payment will be processed through PayPal Friends and Family (please ignore my deadname)

  • commissions can either be paid 100% upfront, or 50% upfront as a deposit and 50% after the halfway-point check-in; payment must be made in full before I complete the commission

  • if you cancel your commission before I begin, you will receive a full refund; at any point after that, only 50% of your payment will be refunded

  • don't send me any money until I've agreed to give you a slot and requested payment

  • in the event that I can't complete your commission, you will receive a 25% refund (before full payment) or 50% (after full payment)

process and delivery

  • I will contact you with a start date for your commission; after this date, your 50% deposit will be non-refundable

  • during the process, I will check in with you frequently — how frequently will depend on the complexity of the piece, but you will generally be able to expect a check-in to confirm poses, for confirming the basic lineart, for flat colors, and for basic rendering. I want you to be fully satisfied!

  • during these check-ins, you'll be receiving screenshots of the canvas rather than a full-size image

  • you may request a further check-in at any time! depending on the time of day/my workload, I may not be able to get back to you for up to 24 hours, but I will do my best to communicate with you!

  • your commission will take up to 2 months to deliver, depending on complexity, my health, other work, and various other factors

  • I will notify you as soon as possible if something that will delay your commission comes up

  • when your commission is finished, I will email you the full-size drawing as a .png file, as well as a Discord-sized .png if requested

  • the drawing will usually be 4000x6000px at 350dpi, but we can discuss smaller or larger dimensions as desired


  • you will be able to ask for 3 revisions with every check-in

  • if your revision is to something previously approved, I will be charging an extra fee to change it. The amount will depend on the size of the change, up to USD $20

copyright/usage policy

as the commissioner, you may:

  • upload the finished piece for personal use (uploading it to your social media profiles, using it as a profile picture, etc.)

  • print the artwork for personal use

  • use the artwork to promote yourself

you may NOT:

  • use the artwork in ANY NFT (non-fungible token), blockchain, AI art, or related endeavors

  • claim the artwork as your own

  • remove my signature from the artwork

  • alter the artwork in any way without my consent

credit is appreciated but not required!!


  • K-Pop idols

  • Fire Emblem characters (note that I am most familiar with Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn and Three Houses, and will require extra references for characters outside of those games)

  • Legend of Zelda characters

  • dungeon meshi

  • OC's

  • ships (m/m, f/f, multi, t4t)

  • nsfw

  • crossovers


  • heterosexuals (unless one or more of them is trans)

  • furry

  • mecha

  • gore

  • underage

  • extreme kink

  • hateful art

  • h*rry p*tter

basic rendering with low/no effects and Three Hopes expedition busts

full rendering and effects

back to homepage

how to order

send me a direct message through tumblr or twitter with the following information included:

general info

  • your name/handle

  • your email

  • what type of drawing you'd like

  • how many characters in the drawing

  • how complex you'd like the background to be

  • any specific wishes for the drawing!!

character info

  • which character is it?

  • tell me about them!! everything you'd like me to keep in mind when drawing is relevant — personality, your headcanons, deviations from character design (if they're not a real human person), anything you want included!

please include reference images!!! the more the better, since I am dyslexy and will definitely process images better than text lol

you may commission me as many times as you like, just be aware that each separate commission will fill up its own slot! if you're ordering multiple drawings, please make sure to include all the necessary information for your separate commissions in different sections so I don't get mixed up!

by placing an order you confirm that you have read and agree to the terms of service. thank you for commissioning me!!!